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Soothing Efficacy Evaluation Test in Innoderm Cosmetic Testing Lab

According to the Classification Rules and Classification Catalogue of Cosmetics, soothing is defined as the category of efficacy that helps improve conditions such as skin irritation.

This article is to introduce the Innoderm cosmetic testing lab's human efficacy evaluation program on soothing.

Step 1:

Soothing Efficacy Test

30+ panelists with visible redness were screened through an initial assessment. After cleansing the face, facial images were photographed and analyzed with VISIA, a facial image analyzer, to check the skin condition.

Step 2:

Use Colorimeter CL400 (skin color probe) and Mexaminer MX18 (hemoglobin tester) to accurately quantify the amount of hemoglobin in each panelist's skin and record the data.

Soothing Efficacy Evaluation

Step 3:

After the initial cosmetic efficacy testing is completed, panelists are required to continuously use samples for 28 days, visit the cosmetic testing lab on day 14 and day 28, and follow the steps of the first day for skin data collection and record the data. Then, it goes to the skin image analysis and data analysis stage.

In the Innoderm cosmetic efficacy testing lab, we combine subjective and objective evaluation for soothing efficacy testing. One of the subjective evaluations is the self-assessment of the panelist after using the sample, which is usually done by an online questionnaire. The second is the clinician's assessment of the panelist's skin condition, such as skin color, skin elasticity, and other indicators for characterization or grading.

Objective evaluation is a method of statistical analysis of the panelist's skin condition and parameters before and after using the sample by means of instruments. By combining both subjective and objective evaluations, we can determine whether a cosmetic product has a soothing effect or not.

If you have any questions about the cosmetic efficacy evaluation test, please contact us via

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